All posts in Life

Photography at the Capitol

I’ve been messing around with my camera some more. I joined an amateur photography meetup and went to my first meetup with them today. It was a blustery day at the state capitol building and about twenty-five of us gathered on the steps.

The guy in charge really knew what he was talking about and gave us all useful advice about basic digital camera settings. Even though this was an amateur photographer meetup, I noticed that most everyone was packing some serious hardware. I felt lens envy. Theirs were all longer than mine.

The instruction went on for several hours and it was really cold, so I ended up not sticking around to actually practice what I had just learned, other than a few random shots I got off. Even those looked a lot better in terms of exposure and picture quality than the sorts of photos I’ve taken in the past.

Fortunately, my skills at Photoshop make me look like a slightly better photographer than I actually am.

A Night on the Town

I had assumed I was heading toward the usual Friday night routine of XBox and Netflix, my faithful companions. Then I got a text from Reed, inviting me out to hear his roommate play a gig at Momo’s. It is always a good idea to say yes to Reed because a good time is assured. Continue reading →

Get Off My Lawn

My apartment complex can be a loud place, especially with all the college age kids living here. During the first year I moved here, it was not unusual for an outdoor jam session covering Pink Floyd’s Greatest Hits to start up around midnight. I could listen or close my bedroom door and all was well.

But to be awoken at 3AM with my bed vibrating from the sub woofer downstairs is another matter. I had gone down and talked to this guy a few months ago and hadn’t had any problems since then. But now there was some kind of party with loud music, people yelling, etc.

I went downstairs and knocked on the door for a while. No answer. They couldn’t hear me inside, it was that loud. So I went back upstairs and called the police, feeling like the old man who spoils the  kids’ fun and shuts down their rock ‘n roll music.

And it wasn’t like they were listening to Disturbed. It was Dave Matthews.

Gamers Help Haiti

It’s almost impossible not to donate to the relief efforts in Haiti. I don’t even mean from a social responsibility standpoint. Ways to donate are just everywhere, so I end up sending money without even trying. At the grocery store, at the meetup group and the most irresistible avenue: games. $20 at was magically changed into $40 for Doctors Without Borders and $1400 worth of PDF role-playing games and supplements. I barely even know what I bought. The offer was too compelling to ignore.

The Neverending Story

I’m re-reading the Neverending Story, which is a bit of a misnomer because I apparently came to its end at some point in the past. I don’t know if all editions of the book are as meta as the one I own. The text alternates between maroon and green ink, just like the book in the story, indicating which parts are from the book Bastian is reading and which are Bastian’s outside world. And it also has these great full-page illustrations for the first letter of each chapter, which happen to go through the entire alphabet, A to Z, just like the “real” book. I haven’t tried yelling out “Moon Child” to see if I am swept off to a fantasy realm of luck dragons and rock biters.

I first read it some time after seeing the movie as a child. I was as engrossed in the tale as Bastian. Indeed, I even got hungry when Bastian did and felt what he felt. I was enraptured with the thought of magical books that were somehow aware of their readers and could change over time. I imagined how I could create such a book. I remember becoming interested in finding just the right sort of blank book with properly enchanted paper stock.

The movie is a fairly faithful adaptation of the first half of the book. What the movie doesn’t tell you is that after he saves Fantastica (or Fantasia, as it is called in the film) from the Nothing, Bastian becomes a mostly pompous dick. At least at the part I’m at now. He has the power to remake the world as he sees fit and he sets himself up as a total badass with ultimate authority over all he sees. I’m assuming this is all leading to a lesson in staying true to yourself.

In other news, I attended a writer’s meetup. Again, I’m getting out, meeting new people with whom I might have something in common. We met at a coffee house and read brief excerpts from three of the attendees. This was followed by a round of constructive criticism. I managed to stave off an entirely judgmental attitude and contributed suggestions that were well received. Perhaps I am growing as a person. 😉


Yesterday there were 15 new emails in my work inbox, which is a lot for the morning. I literally spent all day going through them and resolving each issue, even as more emails came in. Today was similar, but the emails were spread throughout the day. Each one a new wasp to add to the constant swarm of things that needed to be done. Somehow I managed to get a couple of web sites finished too. I’m the Scotty of web design, working miracles all by myself.


In an effort to meet new, creative people, I went to a mixer hosted by Austin Creative Alliance at Uncorked, a wine bar on east 7th. The group was mostly theater people, but they were expanding their charter to include all kinds of creative media. I met some theater people and talked about the business of producing plays. One of the guys’ next projects was a show based on the concept of childhood and was gathering childhood stories centered around certain themes.

The wine was okay, but then it was the special happy hour wine. I was drinking a Shiraz called “Wooden Nickel” and was fairly accurate.

I also got a recommendation for an allergist, so bonus, I guess.


I realize that though John Hodgman ruled in my favor and Nick may consider this some kind of victory, I have made inroads toward bearddom. That is, I haven’t shaved for a week or so.

As there is no one around to make out with who might protest, I see no reason to try this out, at least experimentally.

Since I can’t figure out how to force WordPress to gracefully clear a float, I need to add a bunch of extra words so the text doesn’t wrap funny.

And some more words.

Hopefully this is enough.

Nope, it wasn’t.

Oooh, gotta shave that neck stubble.



Woke up around 6:30 and couldn’t fall back asleep. So I started work. Bad mood most of the day. Little tolerance for bullshit. It’s interesting that when some physical vector gets tweaked it makes my emotions more accessible. It was really easy to feel annoyed or sarcastic or bemused because I didn’t have enough sleep.


In an effort to narrow down what causes the horrible phlegm build-up I sometimes experience, I’m going to try eliminating dairy products entirely. From my diet, not from the planet (“We gotta nuke this cow pasture from orbit. Only way to be sure.”) I’m already lactose intolerant, but it seems like after I have a bowl of cereal, even with lactose-free milk, I get all congested.

So I picked up some soy milk and almond milk. I really dreaded this day as I figured soy milk would taste terrible. But it was okay. Or perhaps the Cookie Crisp covered the taste.

I still want to see an allergist to see if there is anything else I should be avoiding. I will also be looking into surgery to correct my deviated septum. Being able to breathe clearly through both nostrils would be nice.