
Well, my subscription to A Word A Day finally paid off…

resistentialism (ri-zis-TEN-shul-iz-um) noun

The theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior against us.

[Coined by humorist Paul Jennings as a blend of the Latin res (thing) + French resister (to resist) + existentialism (a kind of philosophy).]

If you ever get a feeling that the photocopy machine can sense when you’re tense, short of time, need a document copied before an important meeting, and right then it decides to take a break, you’re not alone. Now you know the word for it. Here’s a report of scientific experiments confirming the validity of this theory:

Rogue Factor

Work has begun in earnest on the new version of my Rogue Factor site. I’m pretty excited by the new design and characters! Stay tuned for more info.

2nd Draft Finished!

I finally got my act together and finished the 2nd draft of my novella! I added about 20 pages since the first draft! I’ve sent it out to a couple of people for review and critiques. If I end up doing a third draft, it won’t be as drastic a revision. Just tightening and tuning the writing.

Words of Wisdom

That which we do not bring to consciousness appears in our lives as fate. -Jung

Perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. -Rilke

The great epochs in our lives are at the points when we gain the courage to rebaptize our badness as the best in us.

Amusing Comic

Here’s an amusing little comic I made while messing about with some natural media techniques.

Favorable Reviews!

So far everyone seems to like the new site! With any luck, the subliminal mind domination CSS code I’ve used will run its course in a couple of days. I’ve always wanted a collection of brainwashed devotees anxious to fulfill my every whim.

We Are All in the Process of Leaving Wal-Mart

Fragments of an unfinished poem…

I meet my twin in the office supply aisle.
He is clean shaven, which makes me consider my own place in this mirror universe.
He says, “I just got here. I can’t find anything I need.”
“Try the automotive section,” I tell him. “It’s a good place to start forgetting.
Buy everything for that road trip you’ll never take.”

In the toy aisle, a boy and girl exchange volleys of Nerf darts
labeled with the names of places enchanted by past lovers.
No one else sees the children and their phantom friendly fire.

I approach the express lane.
10 Items or Less.
Both a welcome and a warning.

War of the Origami Cranes

I don’t have to worry that I’ll wake up as Don McIver or Tyler Durden. But maybe I’ll be me and where’s that guy been?

And whose screed message is this? Who’s writing this poem while I’m trying to cook some eggs for crying out loud almost noon and I’m just getting around to breakfast.

The problem isn’t so much in knowing that it’s all a dream – it’s wondering whose dream it is.

Who’s drawing all these pictures and signing my name? Someone’s fed the cats already. One less thing to worry about.

I bought my friend a bottle of wine to apologize for threatening to kill him. The doctor says it will all smooth out when I fill out the prescription. But I tell her that sometimes the voices speak wisdom and I won’t hear them if I swallow her bottle of fog.

How do you work in a place like this every day? My anxiety shorts out the lights as some lunatic’s sweaty pain blasts through me from the next room. I’m not like these people. Why are the doors locked? Children need a hand to hold at the zoo. Especially when the cages are full of mirrors.

To love me is to embrace the war of origami cranes I started inside my head, folded from memory into paper shards. A song goes up from the impact crater that used to be a library. You can bleed to death from enough paper cuts.

In my car the radio controls the steering wheel and we all fight to hear our favorite station.

Bad energy, bad energy – Wish I had a vacuum cleaner for it instead of just cats and candles.

Everyday quotidian tasks are extemporized into feats of mythical proportions. Which mango in the produce section looks the most sincere? Choose carefully or no one will love you today.

Is this the same poem? Who’s been messing with my radio?

Coming Out Poem #1

Someone screams in the room across the hall,
His fever blasting into me with a mad resonance.
So afraid, we are all so afraid of the mint green hallways,
This zoo that M.C. Escher built.
“Do you understand that you are in an urgent care facility?” the nurse asks.
I nod urgently. I do now.
The doors to this hospital are locked, but I don’t know that yet.
I vibrate and twitch and chase my words around, trying to gather them in careful piles, like autumn leaves in a constant wind.
I answered all the questions honestly, so of course I’m igniting rows of little red lights on their warning panel.
Yes, I wanted to kill someone.
I have created a situation for them. They are now in damage control mode.
Yes, I hear voices.
In fact, that’s what I came here to talk about if…
No, I’m not planning on killing myself.
The voices have names.
No, I don’t know where the scars came from.
Sometimes I get really confused and the phone just scares the shit out of me.
No, I don’t know what day it is.
I don’t mention the animals, or my sister, or the blackouts, or use the term “occult”;
Poor woman’s so busy with all the other blinking red lights.
She doesn’t know the terror of having to choose the One True breakfast cereal at the grocery store.
They’re always talking, you see.
Romero says we should just get the fuck out of there.
We can take her. “You get the ankles and I’ll get the wrists.”
The nurse studies her notes and then retrieves a doctor.
The doctor offers her help in exchange for my agreeing to take some pills.
Damage control. Damage control.
Bottled fog to squash the voices.
The pills will make the doctors certain they are speaking only to me.
I came here drowning and they are throwing me Life Savers candy.
Can it be a woman? I will only speak with a woman.
Men are untrustworthy, they scare me
Don’t tell me it’s an irrational fear; turn on a TV – it’s just common sense.
I’m afraid of demons too, but that’s probably because of all the exorcisms.
Taran says taking the drugs would be like suffocating your brother with a pillow because he talks too much. Kind of an extreme solution.
A child is sobbing somewhere, but no one else seems to hear.
I come out of “screen saver” mode
To find a new office with a new doctor. A man.
The stagehands are so swift and silent I don’t notice the set changes.
How many times have I done this?
The doctor says I’m “borderline,” on the verge of “going crazy.”
I ask him if that’s the proper psychiatric term for my condition and what warning signs I can expect so when I finally “go crazy” I know when to mail the invitations.
He just shrugs as he takes my money.
Every dollar is a thunderclap when you’re paying someone just to listen.
At home I find sketches of still life and landscapes.
They are all full of faces.
Someone has forged my signature at the bottom of every one of them.
Someone’s been feeding the cats. One less thing I have to do.
The prescription the doctors gave me has vanished.
Someone else has left signs of their passing up and down my arms and legs.
Technically, the wounds are self-inflicted.
I can’t deny those are my fingerprints on the knife.
My friends laugh nervously at my “mood swings”
And we laugh back at them with lonely, angry laughter.
I gave up trying to put the mirror back together since I don’t know its original shape
And honestly, I’m used to my reflection by now.
I dwell in a world of fissures, of dreams within dreams, of time reft and distressed.
The journal of my life has a chasm between ages 3 and 12.
Guess nothing was going on all those years.
Guess I had nothing notable to say.
You could say I have a photographic memory:
Because without the photos there’d be no memories.
I memorize numbers, the answers to complicated questions like
How long were you married?
How long have you lived here?
Haven’t I always been here?
“Am I asleep? Had I slept? Are they my bad dream or am I theirs?”
The first rule of Dissociative Identity Disorder is you do not talk about Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Fuck the rules.
I don’t worry that I’ll wake up as Tyler Durden;
I worry that I’ll wake up as myself
And where’s that guy been?
A lot of people have been asking for him.
He’s been making a lot of collect calls
And signing a lot of checks,
And running up a tab.
And he forgot we were playing hide and seek.
These have got to be the best hiding places because no one’s found us for years.
But we just want to know if it’s safe to come out now.
We just want to be found.

The Girl Came Back

The girl came back.

The boy was standing under the tree. She looked around but did not see the gift.

“Where is the gift?” she asked.

“I am the gift,” said the boy. “The gift is me.”

The girl looked skeptical. “I think I understand the gift even less now.”

“That’s okay,” said the boy. “As you get to know me, you will get to know the gift as well. And look: my hands are empty now. We are free to play. You can hold my hand or hold me or just stand over there and look at me and I can do the same with you. I can bring you an apple or receive an apple from you. We can share apples now.

“In order to see where we are standing under the tree, we throw words at each other. The words stick and help us see each other, but we are not the words. Under the wrapping we are broken into a glittering treasure, a bomb, a snake, a light, water, a crushed spider, the stars, the wind, laughter, tears, bitterness, and a host of other things. They are all inside of us and inside of the gift.

“You do not have to decide whether or not to receive the gift. The gift will always exist. You just need to decide how we will play together. Sometimes you will play at your house and I will play at my house, but we can still play together. Sometimes you and I will play with other people, but this will always remain our tree and we can always meet here. This will be the place where we can come and tell each other about our adventures. It can also be where we both set out on an adventure together, if that is what we both want.”

The girl thought about this.